Relationships First Masterclasses ™
A series of online classes for parents of children with anxiety and ADHD.
Child Behavior Clinic offers child anxiety & child ADHD online classes for parents. Features go beyond what is typically found in online courses. Training and support is provided by Dr. Jacque, licensed child psychologist, specializing in anxiety and ADHD.
Child ADHD Masterclass
In this ADHD course for parents, you’ll not only get research-based tools and strategies, but also the ability to connect directly with Dr. Jacque*. With on-demand lessons and features to keep you on track, you can get the specialized help you need, all on your own schedule.
Online class with 6 modules
1hr 23min of video lessons
Guides, tasks, and journal prompts to keep you on track
Options for expert 1:1 support & accountability
Child Anxiety Masterclass
Learn how to use your relationship with your child to help them with their anxiety. Recognize and effectively respond to anxious behaviors, feelings, and thoughts. Reduce things that might make anxiety stronger. Build an individualized plan to help them face fears.
Online Class With 6 Video Modules
Unique options for support and accountability
Next available in Winter 2024
Child Anxiety Masterclass
Learn how to use your relationship with your child to help them with their anxiety. Recognize and effectively respond to anxious behaviors, feelings, and thoughts. Reduce things that might make anxiety stronger. Build an individualized plan to help them face fears.
Online Class With 6 Video Modules
Unique options for support and accountability
Next available in Fall 2024
The 3 Coping Skills Every Anxious Kid Needs
To teach your kids the best coping skills, you need to understand what anxiety is and how it works. I’ve put together a FREE downloadable guide with 3 coping skills every anxious kid needs.
48 Things to Say Instead of Stop, Don’t, and No
Want to know what to say instead of stop, don’t, and no? Download 48 alternative scripts for some common situations when parents use “stop, don’t, and no.”
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